Wednesday, August 2, 2017


2024-12-23 06:48:38 -07:00

2023-08-16 21:50:35 -06:00

Fantastic article. Spot on. Very similar memories from growing up in Edmonton in the same period. Very good!????

2020-12-06 21:07:25 -07:00

The Java shop Cafe centre of downtown family roasted beans in roaster brought over in the 60's
From Italy? First Cafe had beaded vertical curtains! Second Cafe near Jasper ave A Taxi driver came often in his Avanti car!
Best coffee place for artists,poets,writers,actors,lawyers etc!
Met at girl from Trinidad & Tobago. We married in '68

2019-11-01 20:50:14 -06:00

I remember the Pig'n'Whistle show on TV, with Kay Turner the barmaid, AND the Pig'n'Whistle café on Jasper Avenue where Beaver Hills House Park is now.

2024-06-23 14:25:50 -06:00

"Bouncing Barmaid, Kay Turner"

2017-08-05 21:50:10 -06:00

I may be wrong, Grant, but I think it was Shudda Haddem, not Shadda. Otherwise, a great trip down memory lane. I too was a news junkie and eagerly awaited the arrival of the Edmonton Journal. And as for TV, don't forget the Noon Show, with Ed Kay and Norris McLean. Three Stooges. Gary Haas and the Barn Dance Gang. I could go on and on...

2017-08-06 06:40:16 -06:00

Thanks for catching the typo. It's been corrected.
Others have mentioned the Noon Show. It was a nice break from the school day when we came home for lunch and saw Mom, because in the 60's, most Moms didn't work outside the home.

2017-08-03 15:51:08 -06:00

Happy Belated Birthday Grant!
While I was not a baseball fan then (and still not) I loved reading about the Edmonton Eskimos ( still my team) in the paper and going over their stats. Of course another Journal favourite was the Saturday Comics, or as we called them, The Funnies. Listening to Bryan Hall's football broadcasts on CJCA was a must! Though for most of "our age" group only listened to CHED. Mikes's Newstand was the place to get concert tickets. Another summer favourite was Klondike Days as that was the only place for fun rides at the time. Any other Edmontonians remember the pool at Victoria Composite High School? That is where I learned to swim and I must have had great instructors as I now swim laps and am frequently complimented on my swimming style.

Thanks for reminding us of simpler times!
Oh gosh Grant, isn't that what we would hear our parents say!

Joni Pitzel, formerly of Edmonton

2017-08-03 16:29:59 -06:00

I think Mike's News is a very underrated piece of Edmonton's history. It's amazing to think how magazines, newspapers and event tickets are now so different than they were when we got them from Mike's in the 60's.

Thanks for reading Joni.

2017-08-03 11:24:12 -06:00

So cool to hear some of the things I remember well growing up in Edmonton. Born in Royal Alex, too and was a south side girl, though. Popcorn Playhouse - one of my favorites! Does anyone remember the Dog 'n' Suds? My sister and I reminisce about it sometimes remembering our frequently visited places as a family or young teen. Krege's, the Metropolitan, and Woolworth's for shopping downtown - great lunch bar, too! Great blog, Grant - Happy Birthday!

2017-08-03 11:41:01 -06:00

Thanks Linda.

I remember those stores well. The Met and Kresge's were right across the avenue from each other on 101 Street and I think Woolworth's was on 102 Street next to National Bakery. Not sure if you remember the malt shop in the basement of Woodwards?

2017-08-02 20:50:49 -06:00

Wow! Willy and the Walkers, Benny Benjamin! You've taken me back Grant! My cousin and and I used to love visiting The Palace of Sweets on Jasper Ave then pop down to the Bay for a malt before ending up at the Art Mart to stare at the cool blacklight posters. Good times.

2017-08-02 22:02:32 -06:00

The Palace of Sweets. Now there's a great name from the past! My friends and I used to play pinball and foosball at Klondike Smoke, which was on Jasper just west of 105th Street. They had magazines in the front and pinball in the back.
