Monday, March 8, 2021


2023-12-05 20:27:41

Note, Where are you AT? Or Where are you going to?

2024-06-01 07:47:46

You cannot spell correctly

2023-09-18 17:16:51

I agree with most posts on this blog, but a more egregious error is creeping into journalists’ speech. The other day I heard Glenn Thrush of the NewTork Times, referring to the judge in the D C case against Trump, say “HER and Jack Smith are on the same page.” The subjective case is an endangered species.

2023-09-14 15:11:39

Whether or not is improper. One does not use the ‘or not’. Shame on you.

2023-01-19 09:59:33

“Thanks for coming on” drives me crazy.

2023-01-19 09:56:42

2023-09-14 15:03:43

What about ending sentences with TO or AT?

2023-09-07 08:05:25

There's a acrobat on a artificial iceberg.....all the news grammar is a abomination.

2021-03-09 08:40:37

Looking back ,I consider that my most important teacher was my English 30 teacher. The lessons have served me well in my business life.

2021-03-08 19:43:36

Good points ... but the typo “irks we” high in the piece just goes to show nobody is perfect

2021-03-08 19:51:34

Thanks for pointing that out. I fixed it and now I am perfect again. (g)


2021-03-08 13:52:04

You old curmudgeon!....Actually, curmudgeon suggests old so I probably don't need to use the word old.
Takes one to know one!

2023-12-11 18:05:14

2021-03-08 09:56:37

Good blog! Thanks, Grant.

2021-03-08 10:01:55

Another one that gets me and is way too common an error...
referring to people as that.
For example, "the person that entered the store" instead of "the person who entered the store..."
Neglected to add it to my comment above :)
~ Linda

2021-03-08 10:22:38

Good one Linda. That irks me too. So simple to fix.


2021-03-08 09:59:53

2021-03-08 09:46:21

Two more common errors that drive me crazy, especially when used in the media. It's (which always means it is) vs. its (a possessive word suggesting ownership, as in "the dog chases its tail"). And you never EVER use an apostrophe to make a word plural. Eg. The Dirty Thirties, 40 soldiers, the Coopers attended the party, the Smiths wish you a happy retirement etc.

2021-03-08 09:49:11

Good additions to the list.


2023-09-14 15:08:17

Your comment begins with an incomplete sentence and gets worse as it continues! What about that vs. which? Learn how to properly use I.e. !!

2021-03-08 09:18:03

Good article, Grant.
Next week: police and political jargon, please.

2021-03-08 09:48:41

