BlogGrant Ainsley writes about things in the news media that interest him. Hopefully they’ll interest you too. |
Stop looking for a bogeyman behind every media door.
I've realized the worst thing about flying is some of the people I fly with.
When we think about what happened to Blockbuster, we can better understand what's happening to local journalism.
I remember when WestJet was be the darling of the Canadian airline industry. Not anymore.
Why do so many people with little media experience answer questions better than politicians?
Politicians refusing to answer questions from reporters has become a fixture of the media relations game.
Are there so many opinions on cable news and sports networks that people can't think for themselves?
You need a program these days to determine legit media outlets and you still may get it wrong.
It's certainly not sexy, but it's one of them most important things to understand about dealing with the media.
It's as old as dirt, but it still works. It's just not as effective as it used to be.
Need to up your communication game at work? These 4 tips work.
There's nothing worse than watching newsmakers read from prepared statements. Why bother?
Fights between Alberta and Ottawa are nothing new. I know because I was in the middle of one many years ago.
He's been a mainstay in New York morning TV for over 25-years. Here's how he got his first job.
The recent cuts by Bell Media were as predictable as a groundhog seeing his shadow.
Reporters shouldn't be sharing their opinions about the stories they cover. Here's why.
It keeps happening. There are three things people who mess up in media interviews have in common.
The way the City of Edmonton has communicated on the homeless crisis has been bizarre.
Here they are - counted down from 10 to 1. It's my annual list of the top blogs of the year.
It's just not the layoffs dogging CBC. Bonus payments may be a bigger problem.
AI generated content in Sports Illustrated is troubling, but also a sign of the future.
Sending text and instant messages might be more dangerous than you think.
Last Monday I opened a conference in Niagara Falls, talking about what organizations need to do to get their messages out.
I did media training in Jasper on Halloween. No tricks, only treats.