BlogGrant Ainsley writes about things in the news media that interest him. Hopefully they’ll interest you too. |
It's been fascinating watching the spin governments have put on recent COVID announcements.
There was another sign last week that newspapers, as we know them, may soon cease to exist.
Why do we see so many newsmakers reading from a script on the local news? It's because they can.
There's a four-letter word far too many people are using when they answer questions from reporters.
A new survey has shown that trust Canadians have in the news media is at an all-time low.
Did you notice the huge changes in COVID restrictions made last week? You didn't? That's what the government wanted.
Meeting and training sessions with people there in person and virtually have become a thing. That's unfortunate.
People who speak in public usually read to their audiences. Stop doing it!
How ads for sports betting apps are showing up in the strangest places.
10 people a day are dying from COVID in Alberta. Shouldn't that be a huge story?
We have more ways to communicate with others than ever before, so why does it seem to be harder to really communicate?
You need to find the camera and lock in on it when you speak. Here's how to do it.
Why is it that municipal politicians get less respect and far less media coverage than they used to?
AHS is sharing far less data on COVID these days. The question is why?
Two years into the pandemic the debate continues about the pros and cons of virtual and in-person media training.
People are spending less time on Facebook these days and it's easy to understand why.
We've seen five COVID waves in Alberta, but we've actually gone through seven phases.
I listened to Premier Kenney's radio show on the weekend. My thoughts may surprise you.
TV journalism is starting to get back to normal. Thank God for that.
Golfer Phil Mickelson learned the hard way that it's not just what you say, it's how you apologize when you mess up.
I was recently on the Warren Weeks podcast and we traded some great media training stories.
If you want to sound more intelligent when you speak, try these two moves.
Chicago Blackhawks owner Rocky Wirtz had a media meltdown last week. Here's why it happened.
COVID has changed many of us for the worst, so we need to remember to be kind to others trying to serve us.